Thursday, 5 July 2012


I played Peter Pan and I was Captin Hook. and I beat peter pan And I did a play about Peter Pan



Last week I wrote an extended story. The story was about pirates and murmades. I liked writing the story because I like writing.
By Annie.

Olympic morning

Today I did a Olympic morning in PE. First i did throwing a beanbag and then I did as many shuttle runs in 45seconds as I could. I did 9 and 1/2.
By Harry

Play time

i playd bagmintun at play time with charlie and it was a tie.

Hood winked

i was a villager. and i liked all the songs


Today in PE we did an Olympic morning with our PE teacher. First we did running an then we did throwing beanbags. I thought it was very fun.
By Manesty


We drew som puppets. Then we sowed then together with some cotton. We are going to have a puppet show.
By Katie

Hood winked

Hood winked was great and I loved it loads and I was wone of the merry men . I loved all of the songs and it was verry funny.



First we drew around our hands and then coulered it in. Later on , in the afternoon , we coulered in some finger puppets in. We made our puppets out of some materials. When they were finnished , we did a puppet show!!!!
By Charlie Betts


 First we drew around or hand then we colerd it in. then we made a animal out of  of it we put loads of detaile in to the pupet .


Dinner was yummy!!


Soup on the camp fire!

Breakfast time

Toast and cereal, nom nom nom! Fuelling up for the day
Beaumont the blogging Lion


Fun on the adventure playground!!
Beaumont the Blogging Lion.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Night everyone!

All of us are snug as a bug in the mud!! We have had a hot chocolate and a story earlier. And all bed, tiring day :)

Pond dipping

We caught sticklebacks, tadpoles, leeches, driving beatles, snails, and lots of larve and nymphs!


We had to be careful of these beasts!

Marvelous Mud!!!

Pond dipping in the river!

We are not alone in the woods!

Lots of minibeasts and a freaky face!!

William and Mitchell found a snake!!


Mrs Morris fell over!

We've unpacked!

We've had dinner and unpacked, about to go do our next activity!!
Beaumont the Blogging Lion.

Beaumanor Hall residential!

On the way to Beaumanor with the year 2's!!

Beaumont the blogging Lion.