Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Class 2's Animated Flying Eagle

Class 2 have spent a long time working on a piece of animation. First they had to agree a colour scheme for nine drawings of an eagle. Then they all had to help colour photocopies of the poses of the eagle in flight to match the agreed colour scheme. The coloured pictures were scanned into a computer and the children then had to learn how to open a file in a computer art program, before they learned how to add a sky-coloured background. They then learned how to correct any mistakes in colouring on the computer.

Once the basic animation was complete, Class 2 then listened to some music about flying birds and decide what it was about the music that suggested a bird in flight. They then learned about pitch, tempo and duration before composing their own short pieces of music on a xylophone for the flying eagle.

Class 4 helped Class 2 children to learn how to use microphones to record sound and then they recorded their compositions. These were then put together with the pictures to make a short animated film of their flying eagle. All the children in Class 2 hope that you enjoy their film.